
Our Quality Policy

Consistent with our commitments and promises we (Limerick Machine Company Inc.) will maintain a quality management system that meets requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 Standard;

We will continually improve the effectiveness of our quality management system, and establish and review our quality objectives through periodic management reviews; This Quality Policy is communicated within Limerick Machine Company through our employee manual, new employee training, prominently posting this policy in the plant, and through continual training programs; And periodic management reviews ensure that our Quality Policy is reviewed for continuing suitability.

Limerick Machine Company Inc. is committed to competing profitably and sustainably in the machine/job shop manufacturing industry while providing a workplace that contributes a measurable and desirable impact in quality of life for all its employee’s, in all areas of life, while being recognized as the business other businesses most want to be like and want to do business with.

Limerick Machine Company Inc. will accomplish this, in part, by maintaining a workplace that contributes to life satisfaction, fulfillment, fun, community, generosity, and an individual and group sense of belonging.

Limerick Machine Company Inc. manufactures, machines, assembles, and supplies customer specified products, parts, and assemblies in the defense, industrial, and commercial markets.

Our quality system is at the core of how we do business. Our ISO quality system was put into place over a 2 year period where we evaluated each and every aspect of our business, analyzing what we did and what we needed to do to be ISO compliant. Anytime we discovered an opportunity for improvement or the need to include actions to be ISO compliant we worked to make the resulting procedure or actions easier to do than the existing procedure. This has resulted in a quality system that tends toward perpetual compliance.